Landscaping Installation
Trees and bushes will be installed during the winter months to provide optimum transplanting conditions. An exact schedule will be announced once one is determined.
Trees and bushes will be installed during the winter months to provide optimum transplanting conditions. An exact schedule will be announced once one is determined.
Following the Beer, Bourbon, and BBQ event the lawn will close again as contractors continue punch list items and some work on some added elements which will further improve the facility.
After the Festival on the Fourth, the performance lawn will be closed between events to address punch list items and some additional work
The City of Knoxville’s Festival on the Fourth will be the inaugural event on the new performance lawn.
Currently scheduled date for construction to be substantially complete with just punch list items remaining to be addressed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Public Building Authority
Property Development
Daytime Emergencies
After-hours Emergencies